Ink, art & style

Puro Tattoo Studio in Milan is a work of art in itself.

Its philosophy is based on the Wunderkammer, meaning “chambers of wonders”: A part of the noble dwellings or of the upper middle class which, from 1500 onwards, was destined to collect unique or bizarre specimens considered real art objects.

This Tattoo Studio bears on its walls hundreds of ex-votos and dried plants, its various desks have display cases on them, which contain jewels and skulls, and there are also rare objects on the ceilings and throughout the place.

Exactly like an extravagant chamber of wonders, a tattoo on the body can mix and reinvent beauty and concepts coming from every form of art and aesthetic vision out of time, making one’s skin accommodate culture, art, beauty and uniqueness.


Photos by Simone Furiosi
