You must pay

by Apostolos Kotsabasis
MANCODE director (

Every day we experience delinquency, with the most typical example being the streets where we are driving. One hand on the cellphone screen, drivers take turns without flashing their lights, everyone parks anywhere and the criminal running of a red light, are frequent phenomena. In the field of education, bullying, anti-social behavior and squatting proliferate and continue unabated for decades in schools and universities. And that’s just the beginning of the list. There seems to be a general belief of non-accountability throughout the country.

A sense of impunity that one can act without facing repercussions. When individuals know that they will be held accountable for their actions and that those consequences will be commensurate with the seriousness of their offense, this acts as a deterrent to delinquent behavior.

It is imperative that accountability be enforced. At the same time, a culture of responsibility and respect for the law should be cultivated, which will promote a sense of justice, strengthening institutions and social cohesion. Because every action we do, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, has consequences. And as Mahatma Gandhi once said “It is wrong and immoral to try to avoid the consequences of one’s actions.”

Photo by Lorenzo Sisti / NEON
