Cyclades soul

This illustrated book attempts to capture the feeling of life on the islands in an overt way as it does not aim at the big tourist hotspots and Instagram shots that can be seen everywhere but wants to capture the Greek island world as a whole, with all its deviations. Lonely bays and half-ruined towns stand next to the glossy world of popular celebrities who spend the summer on the islands. Highlife in summer next to almost deserted streets in winter. Greek tradition next to modern mass tourism. It is precisely these contradictions that make this volume so special. Moreover, each island has its own fascinating peculiarities that are worth discovering. Photographer Rudi Sebastian has spent many weeks on the islands at all times of the year over many years and has followed the soul of the country and its people. He has been to every island in the region at least once, so he places great importance on completeness. The result is a rather unique collection of photographs reflecting island life in all its aspects. The book entitled “Cyclades” is published by TeNeues.


Photos Courtesy of TeNeues

