Vintage selection

Starting in 1962, Marshall continues to produce top-of-the-line audio amplifiers, with its series models playing a catalytic role in the world music scene. In this case, the collaboration between Sound Leisure and Marshall Amplification gave birth to the first Marshall Jukebox . A shared passion for music created an amplifier with classic design lines yet not lacking in technological innovations. Built by hand, in England, by the technicians at Sound Leisure, sound performance is guaranteed with the machine accepting 70 x 7″ discs and capable of playing both A and B sides, plus it has the ability to play music digitally from any compatible device via Bluetooth. Although the Marshall Jukebox offers all the modern technologies a coin mechanism can also be optionally installed, thus complementing its vintage image as the rotating music title display shelf is eye-catching.

Photos Courtesy of Modernjukeboxes

