Clean look

The surprise of the first round for the election of the president of SY.R.I.Z.A. shows that a part of Greek society wants to end the old and trust something new, without prejudices and blinkers. The “royal” appearance of Stefanos Kasselakis turned the image we had of the Greek Left upside down, although his predecessor, Alexis Tsipras, had made sure to prepare the ground with his sur mesure suits and pochettes. By disowning the tie and tying his ties like another Duke of Windsor over his freshly pressed, crease-free undershirts, the 35-year-old Cris politician is “dusting off the shop”, at least in appearance. The clean look he presents, it is true, is far from the ideological space he moves in. In our country, to be more specific, this is how conservative politicians dress, or, if you prefer, bourgeois politicians, with the PASOK following close behind. I watch on TV and am delighted at the care shown in their public appearances by those elected and flying the SY.R.I.Z.A. flag, such as the unfortunate Efi Achtsioglou – whether her peers like it or not, her chosen style is chic. What a reversal! I recall the instantaneously from the visit of French President Francois Hollande to Greece, and the “revolutionary” dressing of the Council of Ministers at Herodou Atticus. Or, even, the hands in the pockets on the leather coat of Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis in his meeting with his counterpart George Osbourne. At the risk of being biased, I have the impression that in the case of Stephanos Kasselakis, “robes make the priest”. Does anyone remember the story of Nasreddin Hoxha, when he went to a speakeasy unkempt and nobody paid any attention to him, but when he went dressed to perfection, the reception was magnificent? When they asked him why instead of tasting the delicacies he was pouring them into the sleeves of his fur kelebiya, he had replied that the attentions were not addressed to him, but to his fur. This is the justification of the phrase ‘Eat my fur pilaf’.
