Godard par Godard

The Greek Film Archive Foundation along with the French Institute of Greece present Florence Platarets’s documentary “Godard par Godard” for the first time in Greece.

The screening will take place on December 1st at the Greek Film Archive Foundation on Iera Odos str., on the occasion of the one-year anniversary of the death of the great Franco-Swiss creator and shortly before December 3rd, the date of his birthday.

The documentary “Godard par Godard”premiered at the Cannes Film Festival on September 13, 2022 and sketches the portrait of Jean-Luc Godard through archival footage. It follows the director’s unique and remarkable career, with its unexpected departures and spectacular returns, who never looked back, never made the same film twice and tirelessly pursued his research with truly inexhaustible inspiration.

It features rich archival footage, including images of him on the set of classic 60s films, as well as scenes of Godard himself wandering the streets and cafés of Paris with a cigarette in hand. Also excerpts from his television interviews and of course excellent footage from the 1968 Cannes Film Festival, when Truffaut and Godard insisted that the festival itself should be postponed in solidarity with French workers and students – the fabled May of ’68.

It is a chronological presentation of Godard’s films, recording where he was when he shot each film – and, above all, conveying to the viewer the state of mind Godard was in when he shot each film.
