Knowing when to quit, is not giving up!

by Maria Mylona

There is a belief that winners never quit and quitters never win. Many motivational quotes don’t even include the option of quitting. It is undeniable that persistence is a wonderful quality, and, combined with determination it is the key to the success of our goals.

Strength and stamina require persistence as long as there is a purpose. Resilience requires constant re-evaluation of our position based on impending conditions. It is important to recognize if we feel in harmony with our environment and ask ourselves if any change is necessary. It’s a matter of realizing that we might be in the wrong industry. When something doesn’t suit you or you don’t suit it, is it appropriate to try again and again? Quitting can be a viable option. To show strength of soul. Before any move, ask yourself if you are growing, if you are proud and if there is inspiration for what you are doing. If you are recognized and respected and most importantly, if you have personal time for you and your family.

I often hear them say “I will lose the time I spent” or “I will lose the money I invested”, so they don’t quit their jobs, as to not “waste” the studies, time, and their experience. While in reality there is this exact fear of repetition. If something doesn’t go well in the present, why go to the next attempt? Economists would use the term “sunk cost fallacy”. A delusion of the mind where it prevents us from seeing that something better may be waiting for us. There is no right or wrong choice. We analyze the data and decide which path is most likely to help us achieve our goals at any given time. We must focus on what we will gain and not on what we will lose.

Surely you all know someone who remains in a job or in a relationship where they are not happy. It’s hard to admit a wrong choice, but it’s important to do something about it. Quitting or changing isn’t always the best option. It takes thought and maturity in what’s worth it and what’s not, because the moment you declare that “you’re done and don’t want any more” it’s hard to know that you’re resigning for the right reasons. Psychologist Albert Bandura had talked about self-efficacy, meaning that the degree to which we believe we will succeed determines the decisions we make.

When you give up something that isn’t worth it, it’s a success in itself because it doesn’t mean you’re giving up, it means you’re redefining your life’s priorities. You create space and energy to attract something more important to you. Discipline in the goal is more important than intelligence for a successful outcome. It can take months or years to properly build a decision and motivate us to stop wasting time, energy and money. This requires strength. It’s not a weakness. Change is an integral part of success. Why should we perceive a decision as a failure if it pushes us forward?

Quitting is a decision, not a label for our personality. Remember that whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right! You are the author of your own story.

“Winners quit all the time.

They just know when to quit the right stuff at the right time”

by Seth Godin

Maria Mylona is a Health Psychologist and Synthetic Psychotherapist
